Prof. Lakshmivarahan visited IIHR and the IFC in the Spring of 2024 to deliver lectures on Data Assimilation.
Friday, March 15, 2024

IIHR hosted a Short Series Lecture on Dynamic Data Assimilation by Professor Emeritus Dr. S. Lakshmivarahan from The University of Oklahoma, organized by AHWA's PI Humberto Vergara for the research community in the College of Engineering. The workshop was delivered on Tuesday, March 12, and Wednesday, March 13, 2024, in the Seminar Room of the Stanley Hydraulics Lab.

The activities of the first day concluded with a group dinner hosted by AHWA at Exotic India in Iowa City, where Prof. Lakshmivarahan and his wife gave the group a "short tour of Indian cuisine".

Appearing in the photo below (from left to right): Santiago Henao, Vanessa Robledo, Humberto Vergara, Prof. Laksmivarahan's wife, Prof. Laksmivarahan, and Gonzalo Forero.

Dinner with Varahan